Numbers & links updated as needed & as we set up more

emergency numbers are for RP purposes. an estate message will be posted before a situation takes place. RP's MUST be set up ahead of time. 
acceptable NON RP situations would be a griefer attack, or unscheduled fire, or rp hud medical emergency. 

Aileron Emergency Cell Phone

we proudly use the Aileron system. please see MP link with the button below to get a free Aileron Emergency Cell Phone from Nexus to call in an emergency

get a Aileron Emergency Cell Phone


Gridphone is a service/product run and maintained by

St. Albert cathedral archbishop

(117) 7601100

headmaster & deputy head office

(800) 1174733

headmaster business cell

(117) 6001605

deputy headmaster cell

(117) 7383787

Legithel emergency (EMT, fire, Garda)
legithiel dispatch

(117) 112

non emergency EMT 


non emergency fire brigade


non emergency Garda


gridphone payphone

gridphone system, payphones and locations


currently undergoing trial before fully adding
(this secoton may be removed if deemed not useful)

VenTalkie is a service/product run and maintained by


gridmail is owned/run by

About us

home of HSEE-SL